Green Maze specializes in customizing its approach to the needs and challenges of each project, no matter the size and scope. There’s something about the GreenMaze culture that sets us aside from other builders. We work hard together, celebrate our achievements, and believe in a ‘fair go’ for everyone. GreenMaze project team is more than just a bunch of people that puts bricks and mortar together.
Our core values remain very much embedded in the idea of investing in relationships, taking care of each other and working towards a common goal. We pride ourselves on working with you as a true construction partner.
Our core values remain very much embedded in the idea of investing in relationships, taking care of each other and working towards a common goal. We pride ourselves on working with you as a true construction partner.
EExpectations are set from the initial client meeting, from deadlines to progress and necessary changes along the way.
XeXtra value-added attention is placed on each client relationship. Lines of communication are perpetually open and what is promised is delivered.
CCommunication is key. Our professional team becomes partners with our clients during all phases of progression on each and every customized project.
EExpertise among all facets of its signature construction, design and client services is what definitively places GreenMaze at the core of imaginative success.
LLongevity in a client relationship is paramount. GreenMaze sets the foundation for a healthy, productive working relationship with our clients.